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From the shameless self-promotion division, three links to projects I’m involved with online:

WorldChanging – Another World is Here is one of my very favorite web communities. It’s an ongoing conversation on social, environmental and political change around the world. I was just asked to join the extraordinary community of authors there and have just posted my first piece, on Human Rights Watch and blogging – please check it out, as Human Rights Watch is looking for bloggers and wikipedia authors who can help them figure out how to get information from their reports into the blogosphere and then into the media.

Jon Lebowsky and Mitch Ratcliffe have spent the past year assembling a book called “Extreme Democracy”. My chapter – posted here, benefitted greatly from folks commenting on this blog and on Joi Ito’s blog. So thanks…

And my Norwegian architect friends just let me know that the English description of their DE-tro-IT project is available online. They give me far too much credit for providing a framework for their work, but I’m thrilled to have a chance to collaborate with cool people I’ve never met.

Okay, enough egoblogging. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.