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links for 2007-06-30

1 thought on “links for 2007-06-30”

  1. Ethan –

    Les Neuhaus, formerly the AP’s guy in Ethiopia. We didn’t hit it off so well the first go around and I was a little hot still from the Somalia coverage … I’d like to extend another apology and admit that, well, I can be an a**hole sometimes.

    But I’d like to get a line of communication going with you, if you’d be so gracious. I actually work for the U.S. military’s newspaper, Stars and Stripes, now and am preparing to embark on a 10-week embed with U.S. troops in Iraq.

    However, I’m still very close with friends and sources in the East and Horn of Africa and my girlfriend is still in Addis Ababa.

    First – how are you?

    Next, think you could see it through the kindness of your heart to loop me into your communications world (without me being a topic of blogging discussion)?


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