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A view from Kenya

“The man will be chosen exclusively by American voters who tend to be rather illiterate on global affairs. That’s not fair.

I demand the right to vote this morning in the US elections. After all, I am voting for a man who, for better or worse, will affect the condition of my family and I.

It’s not that I ever intend to seek a green card or that I am particularly enamoured of the piper belting out his beat in DC.

It simply makes sense that if the American president is unofficially the leader of the whole world, then I, as a loyal member of the international community, should not be disenfranchised. “

– M. Gaitho, acting managing editor, Sunday Nation of Kenya, from his commentary, “Why Should It Matter Who Wins?”. (It’s available to registered members only, but it’s free to register, and the whole piece is excellent.)